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Swimmers need the following:

  1. Swimsuit - Any swimsuit or the Team suit (not required).   Texas Swim shop is our local retailer.  They will be at all practices on May 2nd,2023.   You can also visit their shop located at 10425B S Post Oak Rd Houston, Texas 77035. Store Hours Mon-Fri: 10-5. Sat 10-3.
  2. NO SWIM SHIRTS OR SWIMSUITS WITH SKIRTS. These can cause drag and make it more difficult to move in the water. 
  3. Goggles - These are available through most local retailers. 
  4. Towel
  5. Swim cap- specifically at swim meets. Team caps are available for purchase $10. or you can purchase a plain cap at most local swim retailers. 
  6. Swim Fins if you own them. 
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Team Swim Cap

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